Update: 01 XI 2023
Yet again I prove myself the true master of plot-twists by revealing I’m not dead and neither is Yonkoma Nuzlocke. I’m back to drawing and I even made sure to finish the final page of the three-parter before uploading this here second one. I’m currently drawing ahead, so I’m glad to announce the next update will take place on November 19th – that is, on the 11th anniversary of Yonkoma Nuzlocke. Afterwards I should hopefully be able to announce a proper schedule of some kind. I still wish to return to the good old “four-strips-per-week-except-with-weekly-breaks-before-and-after-every-takoma” schedule, but it remains to be seen how realistic that is.
And yes, I missed Yonkoma Nuzlocke’s big 10-year anniversary. At least Game Freak didn’t forget and they released Scarlet and Violet just one day earlier to commemorate the occasion. They tend to do that, as you know from all the “nobody cares, everyone’s playing [insert new games]” jokes. Big fans, what can I say.
Anyway, go ahead and click that picture to discover… the truth, at last!